Thursday, 29 September 2005 (Hall A) 10:30-12:00


Diabetes Mellitus and Insulin Resistance

Chairperson: W.A. Scherbaum (Düsseldorf, DE)

(L66) The endothelial cell glycocalyx in diabetes.

H. Vink (Amsterdam, NL)
(L67) Vasocrine signalling and insulin resistance.

E. Eringa (Amsterdam, NL)
(O68) Early arteriogenic defects in a diabetic ischemic hindlimb model.

J. van Golde, S. Vöö, J. Waltenberger, N. Schaper, M. Huijberts (Maastricht, NL)
(O69) Diabetes-induced overproduction of reactive oxygen species impairs post-ischemic neovascularization.

T. Ebrahimian, Chr. Heymes, D. You, O. Blanc-Brude, L. Waeckel, J. Vilar, B. Lévy, A. Shah, J-S. Silvestre (Paris, FR; London, GB)