Clin Res Cardiol (2023).

Development of a patient-centered app for cardiovascular patients using a questionnaire study in Germany
V. Oettinger1, K. Kaier2, T. Paulus3, D. Westermann1, M. Zehender1
1Klinik für Kardiologie und Angiologie, Universitäts-Herzzentrum, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau; 2Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Statistik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau; 3Kardiologie, Max Grundig Klinik, Bühl;
Background: There is an increasing number of health-related apps as well as wearables. However, these are usually limited to a single area of application. The present questionnaire study should form the base for the development of an app that offers patients comprehensive support for their disease.

Methods: 100 inpatients with cardiovascular disease have been interviewed. A qualitative as well as quantitative evaluation of the responses was then carried out.

Results: Median age was 62.5 years and 24.0% of the patients interviewed were female. Coronary artery disease (40.0%) and heart failure (22.0%) were found to be the most prominent reasons for a hospital stay and arterial hypertension (55.0%) the most prominent pre-existing condition. Relevant feelings in the context of the disease were particularly fear for life (43.0%), uncertainty (43.0%) as well as general concerns (39.0%). With regard to dealing with the disease in the future, 75.0% were motivated, 70.0% confident and 68.0% hopeful. Among the patients who were interviewed, 60.0% were willing to use the app and a further 24.0% were possibly willing to use it in the future. Taking these groups together, younger patients <63 years were significantly more willing or possibly willing to use the app (p=0.029). Among those who considered such an offer in principle, the most desired functions in terms of app design were a document management (81.8%), medication management (65.9%) and monitoring (48.9%). Although only 36.4% expected the app to at least partially take away their fears, the organizational effort is expected to be facilitated for 94.3%. In this regard, no significant difference between the two age groups could be found (organizational effort: p=0.239; fear: p=0.275).

Conclusion: There is a considerable willingness among younger patients <63 years with cardiovascular disease to use an app that offers them support. In particular, they expect that the organizational effort will be facilitated.