85. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie

Donnerstag, 25. April 2019 (Saal 15) 16:00-17:30

Freie Vorträge

Rhythmologie science: Katheterablation bei persistierendem Vorhofflimmern

Vorsitz: L. Eckardt (Münster), B. A. Hoffmann (Mainz)

(V984) Morphology and spatial distribution of non-pulmonary vein triggers in persistent atrial fibrillation
    M. Forkmann, B. Tose Costa Paiva, T. H. Fischer, A. C. Schwab, A. Vevecka, O. Turschner, C. Mahnkopf, J. Brachmann, S. Busch (Coburg)
(V985) Targeting non-PV mechanisms using combined ultrasound and dipole density mapping to guide therapy in atrial fibrillation: Results of the multicenter first-in-man UNCOVER-AF trial
    C. Meyer, A. Verma, T. Betts, S. Murray, P. Neuzil, A. Grace, D. Steven, A. Sultan, P. Heck, M. Hall, C. Tondo, L. Pison, T. Wong, L. Boersma, H. Ince, S. Willems (Hamburg, Köln, Berlin; Ontario, CA; United Kingdom, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Cambridge, Liverpool, London, UK; Prag, CZ; Milan, IT; Maastricht, Nieuwegein, NL)
(V986) Procedural Insights for Ablation of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Using A Novel Dipole Density Mapping System
    A. Sultan, J. Lüker, T. G. Plenge, J.-H. van den Bruck, B. Bellmann, K. Filipovic, L. Kuffer, J. Wörmann, M. S. Thieme, Z. Arica, C. Biller, D. Steven (Köln)
(V987) Ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation in patients younger than 55 years: equally safe but much more effective
    K. Koch-Büttner, M. Kottmaier, T. Reents, M. Kornmayer, S. Brooks, M. Telishevska, F. Bourier, C. Grebmer, C. Lennerz, C. Kolb, G. Heßling, I. Deisenhofer (München)
(V988) Never ablate “permanent” atrial fibrillation - why?
    E. Dominik, S. Rohrbach, P. Grieshaber, P. Roth, A. Böning, B. Niemann (Gießen)
(V989) A walk on the right side: right atrial septal ablation to achieve bidirectional block of difficult left atrial anterior lines
    S. Bordignon, F. Bologna, S. Chen, L. Perrotta, A. Konstantinou, N. Tsianakas, K. R. J. Chun, B. Schmidt (Frankfurt am Main)

17:45 - 19:45 Eröffnung des Kongresses in Saal 4