DGK Herztage 2023

Samstag, 7. Oktober 2023 (Saal Addis Abeba 3) 08:00-09:30

Sitzung der Sektion

#translational: Bench-to-bedside – Challenges and pitfalls

Joint Session of the Section Young DGK and Basic Science Cluster

Chair: M. Tiburcy (Göttingen), H. Winkels (Köln)

08:00 (V751) Introduction
    M. Tiburcy (Göttingen)
08:05 (V752) Mice are not man – Animal experiments in medical research
    S. T. Niepmann (Bonn)
08:20 Discussion
08:25 (V753) Large animal models – Necessary to translate bench to bedside?
    R. Hinkel (Göttingen)
08:40 Discussion
08:45 (V754) Bench-to-bedside in academic research
    T. Thum (Hannover)
09:00 Discussion
09:05 (V755) Bench-to-bedside in the pharmaceutical industry
    T. Mondritzki (Wuppertal)
09:20 Discussion
09:25 (V756) Closing remarks
    H. Winkels (Köln)