DGK Herztage 2023

Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2023 (Saal Bangkok 2) 14:30-16:00

Basic Science Meeting

Novel mechanisms and therapeutic options of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)

Session of the Working Group 12 "Kardiomyopathien"

Chair: B. Gerull (Würzburg), B. Meder (Heidelberg)

14:30 (V260) Introduction
    B. Gerull (Würzburg)
14:35 (V261) Myosin inhibition – Who benefits most?
    O. J. Müller (Kiel)
14:50 Discussion
14:55 (V262) Role of altered force generation and allelic imbalances in HCM
    J. Montag (Hannover)
15:10 Discussion
15:15 (V263) Impaired protein quality control in HCM
    N. Hamdani (Bochum)
15:30 Discussion
15:35 (V264) Gene therapy in HCM – From preclinical studies to clinical trials
    L. Carrier (Hamburg)
15:50 Discussion
15:55 (V265) Conclusion
    B. Meder (Heidelberg)

16:30 - 17:00 Eröffnung der Herztage in Saal New York
17:00 - 18:30 Great Debate I in Saal New York