DGK Herztage 2023

Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2023 (Saal Bangkok 2) 08:30-10:00

Basic Science Meeting

Healing after myocardial infarction – New mechanistic insights and therapeutic implications

Session of the Working Group 8 "Genetik und Molekularbiologie kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen"

Chair: R. Hinkel (Göttingen), K. Lorenz (Würzburg)

08:30 (V60) Introduction
    K. Lorenz (Würzburg)
08:35 (V61) Basophils balance healing after myocardial infarction
    F. Leuschner (Heidelberg)
08:46 Discussion
08:51 (V62) Neuro-immune axis in pericardial lymphocyte responses after myocardial infarction
    S. Steffens (München)
09:02 Discussion
09:07 (V63) Contractile force of transplanted cardiomyocytes actively supports heart function after injury
    F. Weinberger (Hamburg)
09:18 Discussion
09:23 (V64) The cardiac secretome – New players & therapeutic opportunities
    K. C. Wollert (Hannover)
09:34 Discussion
09:39 (V65) YIA Winner of the Dutch-German-Meetings
    P. Konrad (Heidelberg)
09:50 Discussion
09:55 (V66) Conclusion
    R. Hinkel (Göttingen)