ACOS Akutes Koronarsyndrom (Registers, Studiengruppe) P113, P348, P451, P457
ADVANCE ADVANCE Kooperation P372
ALLIANCE Aggressive Lipid-Lowering Abates New Cardiac Events (Study) I395
ARTS II Arterial Revascularization Therapies Study part II P302
ARVD/C Register zum natürlichen Verlauf einer ARVD/C P387
AngioSeal antegrade Anwendung des Verschlußsystems P313
BMR Brandenburg Myokardinfarkt Register P383
BNP B-Typ ('Brain') natriuretischen Peptid B57, H179, H180, P103, P104, P123, P316, P317, P318, P319, P320, P321, P322, P323, P513, P514, P93
BOTTROS Bottrop Trial on Syncope B64, P460, P494
BRAVE Bavarian Reperfusion Alternatives Evaluation B56, P108
CARDS Collaborative AtoRvastatin Diabetes Study I395
CARO CArdiac Rehabilitation Outcome (studiengruppe) P134
CHD-PACE Congenital Heart Disease and Plasma levels after Correction and Electrophysiologic findings" P322
ELICIT Encourage to Less Irradiating Cardiologic Interventional Techniques P457
EPICENTER EPIC (register) P508
FFR Fractional Flow Reserve/FFR Post-Stent Registry P298, P352
FFS Farfield-Sensing-Test (Studie, Study Group) P345, P346, P473
HOPE   P462
Home Monitoring automatische Arztbenachrichtigung außerhalb der Nachsorge H263, I237, I238, I239, P358, P359, P360, P361
I LIKE HOMe Inflammation, Lipid Metabolism and Kidney Damage in Early Atherogenesis - The Homburg Evaluation P133
LUSTY-Studie LUnar Stent study P300
NGFN Nationales Genomsforschungsnetz H34
NT-proBNP N-terminal pro B-Typ ('Brain') natriuretischen Peptid B57, H179, P103, P104, P317, P318, P320, P513, P93
PAF-ReVeSt Prevention of atrial fibrillation in DDD-Pacing by reduction of ventricular stimulation P469, Z65
PAFOS Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation by optimized Overdrive Stimulation P470, P472, P473, Z69
PLAATO Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion P294
PROVE-IT Pravastatin or Atorvastatin Evaluation and Infection Therapy study H533, I395
REVERSAL Reversal of Atherosclerosis with Aggressive Lipid Lowering (trial) I395
STAR   P293, P461, P498
TAXUS-II Paclitaxel-eluting stent (clinical trial) P299
TDP Torsade de Pointes tachycardieën P500
TIMI Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (studies, studiengruppe) H190, P109, P453
VALIANT Valsartan in Acute Myocardial Infarction P462