83. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie

Freitag, 21. April 2017 (Saal 20) 17:30-19:00


An Inter-Atrial Shunt Device for Heart Failure with preserved or mildly reduce Ejection Fraction: A novel approach for a common and unsolved heart failure problem

organisiert von Corvia Medical Inc

Vorsitz: M. Kelm (Düsseldorf), M. Rosenberg (Kiel)

17:30 (V1565) Introduction and objectives
    M. Kelm (Düsseldorf)
17:35 (V1566) Pathophysiology of elevated PCWP in HF & interatrial shunt device (IASD®) mechanism of action
    F. Gustafsson (Kopenhagen, DK)
17:50 Diskussion
17:55 (V1567) Hemodynamic modeling and effectiveness of interatrial shunt device
    D. Burkhoff (New York, US)
18:10 Diskussion
18:15 (V1568) Procedure “in a box”
    M. W. Bergmann (Hamburg)
18:30 Diskussion
18:35 (V1569) Safety and clinical efficacy of interatrial shunt device
    G. Hasenfuß (Göttingen)
18:50 Diskussion
18:55 (V1570) Closing
    M. Kelm (Düsseldorf)