79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie

Freitag, 5. April 2013 (Posterbereich H) 16:00-17:30


Myokardhypertrophie: Molekulare Mechanismen

Diskussionsleiter: H. Post (Graz, AT), J. Torzewski (Immenstadt)

(P1368) Role of methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 in myocardial recovery in a model of ventricular unloading after chronic pressure overload

T. Schnick, S. Weiß, I. Schmöle, B. Stiller, L. Hein (Freiburg im Breisgau)
(P1369) YY1 assoziierter Faktor 2 führt bei Kardiomyozyten-spezifischer Überexpression zu einer dilatativen Kardiomyopathie

D. Riegelsberger, L. H. Lehmann, H.-J. Gröne, H. A. Katus, J. Backs (Heidelberg)
(P1370) The role of HMGB1 in the development of diabetic cardiomyopathy

H. C. Volz, D. Laohachewin, P. Heger, F. Lasitschka, Z. Kaya, H. A. Katus, M. Andrassy (Heidelberg)
(P1371) Triggering heart failure after anti-inflammtory treatment with Gold-Induced Autologous Cytokines

F. Cordes, S. Simsekyilmaz, A. Baleanu-Curaj, U. Schneider, E. Liehn (Aachen, Rottach-Egern)
(P1372) Glycogen synthase kinase-3 interacts with and phosphorylates IKKγ/NEMO and is involved in the regulation of NF-κB activity

L. Schleithoff, S. Medunjanin, C. Fiegehenn, S. Weinert, U. Giese, A. Schmeißer, R. Braun-Dullaeus (Magdeburg)
(P1373) Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals Proliferative Remodeling of T-Tubule Membranes during Heart Failure Development

E. Wagner, M. A. Lauterbach, V. Westphal, T. Kohl, J. Steinbrecher, J.-H. Streich, U. Parlitz, S. Luther, G. Hasenfuß, S. W. Hell, W. J. Lederer, S. Lehnart (Göttingen; Paris, FR; Baltimore, US)
(P1374) Loss of the Raf1 kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP) triggers the development of severe heart failure in response to chronic pressure overload

C. Berlin, M. Lohse, K. Lorenz (Würzburg)
(P1375) Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors act as anti-hypertrophic drugs by disrupting the association between 14-3-3 chaperones and class II HDACs

L. H. Lehmann, S. Wieber, U. Oehl, H. A. Katus, J. Backs (Heidelberg)
(P1376) Dkk1 knock-out leads to augmentation of cardiac hypertrophy following aortic banding

J. Riffel, E. Bernhold, M. Hagenmüller, M. Zhang, C. Niehrs, H. A. Katus, S. Hardt (Heidelberg)
(P1377) TRIF-abhängige Inflammation verstärkt Nachlast-induziertes myokardiales Remodeling

S. Bettink, C. Körbel, J.-C. Reil, A. Kazakov, A. Degen, M. Böhm, U. Laufs, S. H. Schirmer (Homburg/Saar)
(P1378) CEFIP, a novel sarcomeric Z-disc protein, is modulated in cardiac hypertrophy and directly interacts with FHL2

F. Dierck, C. Kuhn, C. Rohr, N. Frey (Kiel, Heidelberg)
(P1379) Differential Role of Aldosterone and Transforming-Growth-Factor-beta-1 (TGF-β1) on Cardiac Hypertrophy and Fibrosis

E. Caglayan, P. Kmiec, M. Odenthal, K.-D. Schlüter, S. Rosenkranz (Köln, Gießen)
(P1380) Inhibierung der 5-alpha Reduktase reduziert kardiomyozytäre Hypertrophie in vitro und in vivo

C. Zwadlo, N. Froese, J. Bauersachs, J. Heineke (Hannover)