78. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie

Donnerstag, 12. April 2012 (Saal 17) 08:00-09:30

Freie Vorträge

Herzinsuffizienz - Inflammation

Vorsitz: P. Schauerte (Aachen), S. H. Schirmer (Homburg/Saar)

(V316) The BMP-antagonist Grem1 binds “macrophage migration inhibitory factor” (MIF) with high affinity in vitro and blocks MIF-induced TNFα-secretion of human macrophages

I. I. Müller, M. Lang, M. Schneider, F. Appenzeller, M. Stang, H. Schönleber, J. Pohl, S. Etzel, P. Seizer, T. Simmet, M. Gawaz (Tübingen, Ulm)
(V317) KC fails to induce neutrophil infiltration and neoangiogenesis in mouse model of myocardial infarction

H. Oral, O. Postea, I. Kanzler, N. Tuchscheerer, A. Schuh, C. Weber, E. Liehn (Aachen, München)
(V318) Interleukin 23-signaling protects from myocardial inflammation, decreases ventricular rupture and reduces mortality in an experimental model of subacute myocardial infarction

K. Savvatis, D. Westermann, A. Riad, M. Becher, K. Pappritz, C. Zietsch, H.-P. Schultheiss, C. Tschöpe (Berlin, Greifswald)
(V319) T-Zell-Rezeptor Vbeta Dominanz bei Myokarditis und inflammatorischer Kardiomyopathie

M. Noutsias, V. Patil, B. Maisch (Marburg)
(V320) Autoantibodies in Dilated Cardiomyopathy control VEGF expression in Ventricular Myocytes

E. Saygili, A. F. Noor-Ebad, E. Saygili, J. Weis, P. Schauerte, N. Marx, M. Kelm, C. Meyer, O. R. Rana (Düsseldorf, Aachen)
(V321) The Toll-like receptor 4 ligands S100A8 and S100A9 are crucial factors in viral cardiomyopathy

C. Tschöpe, M. Becher, T. Vogl, D. Westermann, D. Lindner, K. Savvatis, J. Roth, H.-P. Schultheiss (Berlin, Münster)