[AG118] Freitag, 1. April 2005 (Saal 2) 11:30-13:00


„Stammzellen in der Kardiologie“

Role of stem cells in vasculogenesis, atherogenesis and vascular repair I

Vorsitzende: W.M. Franz (München), J. Waltenberger (Maastricht, NL)

(A763) Role of homeobox transcription factors in vasculogenesis

C. Urbich (Frankfurt/Main)
(A764) Bone morphogenic proteins: Novel regulators of vascular differentiation.

M. Moser (Freiburg)
(A765) Strategies for mobilization of stem cells

M.G. Engelmann (München)
(A766) Interaction of mesenchymal stem cells with the endothelial cell barrier: molecular basis and therapeutical consequences.

W. Bloch (Köln)
  Mitgliederversammlung der AG.