78. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie

Donnerstag, 12. April 2012 (Saal 16) 13:00-14:30


Advancing TAVI and Saving Lives - 10 years after the first implant

organisiert von Edwards Lifesciences Services GmbH

Vorsitz: A. Cribier (Rouen, FR), F. W. Mohr (Leipzig)

(V608) New TAVI guidelines and how they have changed over the past 10 years ?

H. Baumgartner (Münster)
(V609) What is the optimal way to measure the aortic valve annulus?

S. Achenbach (Giessen)
(V610) Is there a need for valve repositioning?

M. Pasic (Berlin)
(V611) What are the key clinical criteria post valve implantation?

F.-J. Neumann (Bad Krozingen)
(V612) Looking forward from the past - the next 10 years?

A. Cribier (Rouen, FR)